Disabling Behavioral Targeting

SmartNews provides behavioral targeting advertisements.

Behavioral targeting is a service that analyzes the interests, preferences, and attributes of users by acquiring and using their behavioral history and other information* to deliver personalized online advertisements to them.
Information on behavioral history does not include any information that can be used to identify specific individuals.

*This may include gender, age, location, and other information obtained by our services or provided by external services. If you prefer not to receive behavioral targeting advertisements, you can disable them by clicking on the “Disable” button below.

Please note that the “Disable” button does not turn off behavioral targeting advertisements using temporary IDs (Advertising Identifier and Advertising ID*) for advertisements provided by Apple and Google. Please follow the instructions provided by each company to disable them.

*Advertising Identifier and Advertising ID are temporary IDs for advertisements provided by Apple and Google respectively.


Users are required to carry out the following settings according to instructions provided by Apple to disable behavioral targeting advertisements that use the Advertising Identifier.
Opt out of personalized advertisements from iAd


Users are required to carry out the following settings according to instructions provided by Google to disable behavioral targeting advertisements that use the Advertising ID.
Advertising ID (Google Play Help)

The URLs and their contents are subject to change without prior notification from Apple or Google.


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